Course Overview

This in-person workshop seminar was sponsored by SCORE and held at the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce in 2019.

How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Business

You are familiar with the Heavyweight Champions of social media. There is a lot to learn about all of these platforms. In this Masterclass Workshop the focus is on Facebook. 

You will learn how companies utilize Facebook to communicate, brand, and promote their business.

You will be instructed on the principles behind using social media as a business, why businesses choose to utilize Facebook specifically, and common ways companies utilize the platform.

Discussion points will include:

  • Product Development
  • The Procurement Process
  • An Overview of Retail Theology
  • Where To Get Started
B. Zachary Bennett

Consultant, Speaker, & Author

Course Information

Course Instructor

B. Zachary Bennett B. Zachary Bennett

Consultant, Speaker, & Author

Single Course Tuition

1 month of access

Access to the selected course for 1 month

Annual Membership

1 year of access

Access to all courses in the course catalog plus any additions within the coming year.

Single Course Tuition with Support

1 month of access

Access to the selected course for 1 month; includes access to Q&A support.

Annual Membership with Support

1 year of access

Access to all courses in the course catalog plus any additions within the coming year. Includes access to Q&A support.


The Principles Behind Social Media

Why Businesses Use Social Media

How To Use Social Media

About Facebook

How Businesses Use Facebook / Social Media Management


Live Broadcasts

Impromptu Q&A

FB Groups

More About Social Media Management

FB Advertising and Campaign Strategies


Something New
